OK. I’m ready!

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OK. I'm ready!

I have my new GRATITUDE JOURNAL (which apparently likes to go by the name “Thankful”).

I’ve got my new #BeTheRipple PEN, a gift sent all the way from beautiful Wales! (Very KIND of you, Joanna Suvarna! Thank you!)

It’s fun to imagine the words and experiences that will one day fill the (now) blank pages of “Thankful.” I know that cultivating Gratitude does so much to enrich one’s life.

“GRATITUDE UNLOCKS THE FULLNESS OF LIFE. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie

For SURE I’ll be writing about my gratitude for my Mom (soon-to-be 92) getting her first Covid-19 vaccine after weeks of trying to get an appointment. Felt like we had won the Lottery! Seriously. Feeling DEEPLY GRATEFUL for all that went in to making the vaccine possible and giving us much needed HOPE!

Today kicks off Kevin Monroe's “30 Days IN the Power of Gratitude” Challenge.

Seems like a great way to start!


My message to ALL fathers…